LGB 55025 Switch Decoder

Home Garden Railway Digital



For programming, you have to connect the 55025 to your DCC Command Station (see adjacent schematic).
With the Chief from Digitrax the 55025 must be programmed in the mode "PHYS" (primitive physical register programming). The mode "dir" (direct programming) does not work. It is also not possible to read back the registers. The contents of the registers are described in the following table.

It is also possible to program the 55025 with a Lenz-System LH 100 (hand-held controller). The programming works only in the register mode "REG". It is also not possible to read back the registers.
I use numbering 0..7 for the bits in the registers 2-5. Some digital-systems, like Lenz, use numbering 1..8 in their manuals. You have to increment the bits by 1 for such a system.
Register Description Comment
1 address range 1..128
value 1 -> switches 1-4
value 5 -> switches 5-8
value 9 -> switches 9-12
value 13 -> switches 13-16
2 value for function output A bit 0-4 Switching duration
00000 = fast (decimal = 0)
11110 = slow (decimal = 30)
11111 = continuous (decimal = 31)
bit 5 polarity
0 = normal (decimal = 0)
1 = reversed (decimal = 32)
bit 6-7 Operational mode
00 = EPL drive (decimal = 0)
01 = on/off (decimal = 64)
10 = asynchronous flashing (decimal = 128)
11 = synchronous flashing (decimal = 192)
3 value for function output B see register 2
4 value for function output C see register 2
5 value for function output D see register 2

I tried to program 2 new LGB 55025 switch-decoders at the end of 2013, but it was not possible.

Error: I could not read or write CVs. I got different errors depending of the type of the digital master.

Solution: I connected a 100-ohm resistor instead of the LGB EPL-drive. Now i could read and write the CVs successfully.


Normal Operation

The adjacent schematic shows the connection of the 55025 with the track for normal operation. There is no special input to connect a separate power supply.


© 2019 by This Manhart - last modification: 30. December 2013 - Impressum - Datenschutzerklärung